Dataset: fruitfly_manc Please make sure to properly cite the references when using this data. You can find links and references in the About widget: ---- neurons.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id BIGINT 1 label VARCHAR 2 celltype VARCHAR 3 nr_downstream_partner BIGINT 4 nr_post BIGINT 5 nr_pre BIGINT 6 nr_upstream_partner BIGINT 7 birthtime VARCHAR 8 class VARCHAR 9 entryNerve VARCHAR 10 exitNerve VARCHAR 11 group DOUBLE 12 hemilineage VARCHAR 13 longTract VARCHAR 14 modality VARCHAR 15 origin VARCHAR 16 positionType VARCHAR 17 predictedNt VARCHAR 18 rootSide VARCHAR 19 serial DOUBLE 20 serialMotif VARCHAR 21 size BIGINT 22 somaNeuromere VARCHAR 23 somaSide VARCHAR 24 subclass VARCHAR 25 subcluster DOUBLE 26 synonyms VARCHAR 27 systematicType VARCHAR 28 tag VARCHAR 29 target VARCHAR 30 transmission VARCHAR total number of records: 23188 example data: segment_id label celltype nr_downstream_partner nr_post nr_pre nr_upstream_partner birthtime class entryNerve ... size somaNeuromere somaSide subclass subcluster synonyms systematicType tag target transmission 0 10000 TBD DNp01 4318 2002 1033 2002 NaN descending neuron CvC ... 38743961712 NaN NaN lt NaN GF, Giant Fiber DNlt002 NaN LTct_RL electrical 1 10001 SNpp38_ProLN_R SNpp38 554 55 70 55 NaN sensory neuron ProLN_R ... 126329261 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN SNpp38 22.01.h3 LegNpT1_R NaN [2 rows x 31 columns] ---- segment_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 src BIGINT 1 dst BIGINT 2 count BIGINT total number of records: 5243574 example data: src dst count 0 10000 10002 24 1 10000 10016 2 ---- skeleton/original/skeleton_nodes.parquet column_name column_type 0 node_id INTEGER 1 x FLOAT 2 y FLOAT 3 z FLOAT 4 radius FLOAT 5 parent_id INTEGER 6 segment_id BIGINT total number of records: 61397589 example data: node_id x y z radius parent_id segment_id 0 1 103.796066 370.091583 46.501244 0.256 -1 12367 1 2 104.138222 370.028076 46.408546 0.256 1 12367 ---- skeleton/original/skeletons.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id BIGINT 1 offset BIGINT 2 root_count BIGINT 3 node_count BIGINT total number of records: 23271 example data: segment_id offset root_count node_count 0 12367 0 1 6322 1 24225 6322 1 1928 ---- synapse_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 pre_x USMALLINT 2 pre_y USMALLINT 3 pre_z UINTEGER 4 pre_confidence FLOAT 5 post_x USMALLINT 6 post_y USMALLINT 7 post_z UINTEGER 8 post_confidence FLOAT 9 pre_segment_id UBIGINT 10 post_segment_id UBIGINT 11 region VARCHAR 12 region_id UTINYINT total number of records: 86952391 example data: id pre_x pre_y pre_z pre_confidence post_x post_y post_z post_confidence pre_segment_id post_segment_id region region_id 0 0 24548 8173 274 0.817 24558 8176 250 0.876617 54911755 54911612 AbNT 12 1 1 27298 7314 76 0.752 27303 7308 76 0.999993 48071279 48071417 AbN4(R) 11