Dataset: fruitfly_hemibrain Please make sure to properly cite the references when using this data. You can find links and references in the About widget: ---- neurons.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id BIGINT 1 label VARCHAR 2 celltype VARCHAR 3 nr_post BIGINT 4 nr_upstream_partner BIGINT 5 nr_pre BIGINT 6 nr_downstream_partner BIGINT 7 size BIGINT 8 mitochondria_nr BIGINT 9 soma_nr BIGINT 10 soma_position BIGINT[] 11 soma_fiber VARCHAR 12 soma_radius DOUBLE 13 notes VARCHAR 14 proofreading_status VARCHAR 15 proofreading_cropped VARCHAR total number of records: 22704 example data: segment_id label celltype nr_post nr_upstream_partner nr_pre nr_downstream_partner size mitochondria_nr soma_nr soma_position soma_fiber soma_radius notes proofreading_status proofreading_cropped 0 329919036 aSP-g3A_R aSP-g3A 554 250 1806 554 720217641 179 1 [3452, 24755, 11200] ADL03 297.5 LHAD1e2 (Frechter et al. eLife 2019) Traced False 1 421318649 aSP-f1A_R aSP-f1A 342 107 842 342 310031260 138 1 [4625, 26436, 11232] ADL18 216.5 NaN Traced False ---- neurotransmitter.parquet/*.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 gaba DOUBLE 2 acetylcholine DOUBLE 3 glutamate DOUBLE 4 serotonin DOUBLE 5 octopamine DOUBLE 6 dopamine DOUBLE 7 neither DOUBLE total number of records: 64139742 example data: id gaba acetylcholine glutamate serotonin octopamine dopamine neither 0 13814724 0.031077 0.45284 0.02706 0.000046 0.041452 0.438433 0.009092 1 13814725 0.031077 0.45284 0.02706 0.000046 0.041452 0.438433 0.009092 ---- segment_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 src BIGINT 1 dst BIGINT 2 count BIGINT total number of records: 43724009 example data: src dst count 0 7112626733 5813130028 7 1 7112626733 666951176 7 ---- skeleton/original/skeleton_nodes.parquet column_name column_type 0 node_id INTEGER 1 x BIGINT 2 y BIGINT 3 z BIGINT 4 radius BIGINT 5 parent INTEGER 6 segment_id BIGINT total number of records: 117544890 example data: node_id x y z radius parent segment_id 0 1 10166 20622 10166 9 -1 329919036 1 2 10148 20604 10184 16 1 329919036 ---- skeleton/original/skeletons.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id BIGINT 1 offset BIGINT 2 root_count BIGINT 3 node_count BIGINT total number of records: 22699 example data: segment_id offset root_count node_count 0 200326126 20646242 15 9596 1 202916528 34080216 3 3827 ---- synapse_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 pre_confidence DOUBLE 2 pre_x BIGINT 3 pre_y BIGINT 4 pre_z BIGINT 5 post_confidence DOUBLE 6 post_x BIGINT 7 post_y BIGINT 8 post_z BIGINT 9 pre_segment_id BIGINT 10 post_segment_id BIGINT total number of records: 64139742 example data: id pre_confidence pre_x pre_y pre_z post_confidence post_x post_y post_z pre_segment_id post_segment_id 0 2 0.994 13360 27464 35961 0.994703 13359 27478 35969 106979579 2566137408 1 8 0.976 13492 27448 35777 0.999192 13501 27441 35798 106979579 2535102692