Dataset: fruitfly_fanc_public Please make sure to properly cite the references when using this data. You can find links and references in the About widget: ---- link.parquet/*.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 pre_x BIGINT 2 pre_y BIGINT 3 pre_z BIGINT 4 post_x BIGINT 5 post_y BIGINT 6 post_z BIGINT 7 score DOUBLE total number of records: 45055925 example data: id pre_x pre_y pre_z post_x post_y post_z score 0 14017402 42537 106699 1448 42571 106699 1449 39.63 1 14017403 42587 106767 1427 42569 106739 1428 43.34 ---- neurons.parquet column_name column_type 0 cell_id UINTEGER 1 x UINTEGER 2 y UINTEGER 3 z UINTEGER 4 cell_id_type VARCHAR 5 sv_id UBIGINT 6 segment_id UBIGINT 7 label VARCHAR total number of records: 1890 example data: cell_id x ... segment_id label 0 124 9696 ... 648518346478992848 A1_T1L; Azevedo Lesser Mark Phelps et al. 2022... 1 125 10464 ... 648518346494359922 [2 rows x 8 columns] ---- nucleus.parquet/*.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 nucleus_id BIGINT 2 x BIGINT 3 y BIGINT 4 z BIGINT total number of records: 14636 example data: id nucleus_id x y z 0 1 72481250081768945 27376 86896 2005 1 2 72623705288605712 35312 188784 773 ---- segment_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 src UBIGINT 1 dst UBIGINT 2 count BIGINT 3 min_score DOUBLE 4 max_score DOUBLE 5 avg_score INTEGER total number of records: 106915 example data: src dst count min_score max_score avg_score 0 648518346531292442 648518346531292442 3 26.60 64.31 40 1 648518346531292442 648518346526171095 1 31.61 31.61 32 ---- segment_link_post.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 nr_post BIGINT 2 nr_upstream_partner BIGINT total number of records: 1935 example data: segment_id nr_post nr_upstream_partner 0 648518346459413252 679 261 1 648518346459520004 86 30 ---- segment_link_pre.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 nr_pre BIGINT 2 nr_downstream_partner BIGINT total number of records: 1934 example data: segment_id nr_pre nr_downstream_partner 0 648518346459413252 251 147 1 648518346459520004 2212 1374 ---- segment_nucleus.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 nucleus_nr BIGINT total number of records: 1434 example data: segment_id nucleus_nr 0 648518346531292442 1 1 648518346531287066 1 ---- soma.parquet/*.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 x BIGINT 2 y BIGINT 3 z BIGINT total number of records: 14667 example data: id x y z 0 1 25528 84220 2199 1 2 27260 86824 2002 ---- synapse_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 pre_x BIGINT 2 pre_y BIGINT 3 pre_z BIGINT 4 post_x BIGINT 5 post_y BIGINT 6 post_z BIGINT 7 score DOUBLE 8 pre_segment_id UBIGINT 9 post_segment_id UBIGINT 10 region VARCHAR total number of records: 610521 example data: id pre_x pre_y pre_z post_x post_y post_z score pre_segment_id post_segment_id region 0 312 33129 116899 1948 33097 116881 1949 40.47 648518346494690226 648518346488379375 IntTct_L 1 329 33151 117031 1952 33115 117039 1952 55.24 648518346494690226 648518346488379375 IntTct_L ---- synapse_region.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 region VARCHAR total number of records: 45055925 example data: id region 0 0 LTct_L 1 1 IntTct_L