Dataset: fruitfly_fafb_flywire_public Version: v783 Timestamp: 1696065001 Please make sure to properly cite this data. You can find links and references in the About widget: ---- link.parquet/*.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 pre_x BIGINT 2 pre_y BIGINT 3 pre_z BIGINT 4 post_x BIGINT 5 post_y BIGINT 6 post_z BIGINT 7 scores DOUBLE 8 cleft_scores UTINYINT 9 cleft_id BIGINT total number of records: 244358226 example data: id pre_x pre_y pre_z post_x post_y post_z scores cleft_scores cleft_id 0 13963335 169424 41467 1628 169428 41448 1628 41.272713 31 0 1 13963336 169590 41456 1628 169608 41477 1629 59.141857 139 13885563 ---- neurons.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id BIGINT 1 x BIGINT 2 y BIGINT 3 z BIGINT 4 soma_x UINTEGER 5 soma_y UINTEGER 6 soma_z UINTEGER 7 nucleus_id UINTEGER 8 sv_id BIGINT 9 flow VARCHAR 10 side VARCHAR 11 super_class VARCHAR 12 cell_class VARCHAR 13 cell_sub_class VARCHAR 14 ito_lee_hemilineage VARCHAR 15 hartenstein_hemilineage VARCHAR 16 nerve VARCHAR 17 fbbt_id VARCHAR 18 top_nt VARCHAR 19 status VARCHAR 20 morphology_group VARCHAR 21 top_nt_conf FLOAT 22 cell_type VARCHAR 23 label VARCHAR 24 size_um3 FLOAT 25 nr_pre UINTEGER 26 nr_downstream_partner UINTEGER 27 nr_post UINTEGER 28 nr_upstream_partner UINTEGER 29 nucleus_nr UINTEGER total number of records: 139255 example data: segment_id x y z soma_x soma_y soma_z ... label size_um3 nr_pre nr_downstream_partner nr_post nr_upstream_partner nucleus_nr 0 720575940628857210 109306 50491 3960 104904 47464 5461 ... unclassified_IN_FW_112 964.760010 14983 5621 8920 1478 1 1 720575940626838909 172029 55635 1592 177472 56936 1429 ... VLPl2_ventral; left; VLPl2_ventral; left 316.970001 2474 1109 3301 647 1 [2 rows x 30 columns] ---- neurotransmitter.parquet/*.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 gaba DOUBLE 2 acetylcholine DOUBLE 3 glutamate DOUBLE 4 serotonin DOUBLE 5 octopamine DOUBLE 6 dopamine DOUBLE 7 neither DOUBLE total number of records: 244358226 example data: id gaba acetylcholine glutamate serotonin octopamine dopamine neither 0 13963335 0.516704 0.208990 0.015471 0.002059 0.002011 0.019501 0.235264 1 13963336 0.021334 0.896746 0.004832 0.000391 0.023676 0.029529 0.023493 ---- nucleus.parquet/*.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 x BIGINT 2 y BIGINT 3 z BIGINT 4 size BIGINT total number of records: 143140 example data: id x y z size 0 7393349 177472 56936 1429 638214 1 7416439 177648 65848 3245 281333 ---- segment_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 src UBIGINT 1 dst UBIGINT 2 count BIGINT 3 min_scores DOUBLE 4 max_scores DOUBLE 5 avg_scores INTEGER 6 min_cleft_scores UTINYINT 7 max_cleft_scores UTINYINT 8 avg_cleft_scores INTEGER total number of records: 103861628 example data: src dst count min_scores max_scores avg_scores min_cleft_scores max_cleft_scores avg_cleft_scores 0 720575940661342337 720575940661342337 22 5.715789 189.075317 43 0 152 10 1 720575940661342337 720575940640457533 1 95.272881 95.272881 95 163 163 163 ---- segment_link_post.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 nr_post BIGINT 2 nr_upstream_partner BIGINT total number of records: 51224549 example data: segment_id nr_post nr_upstream_partner 0 0 1654880 56601 1 720575940379279642 1 1 ---- segment_link_pre.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 nr_pre BIGINT 2 nr_downstream_partner BIGINT total number of records: 8668565 example data: segment_id nr_pre nr_downstream_partner 0 0 1663682 68859 1 720575940379280180 1 1 ---- segment_neurotransmitter.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 gaba DOUBLE 2 acetylcholine DOUBLE 3 glutamate DOUBLE 4 serotonin DOUBLE 5 octopamine DOUBLE 6 dopamine DOUBLE 7 neither DOUBLE 8 nr_pre_filtered BIGINT total number of records: 8668565 example data: segment_id gaba acetylcholine glutamate serotonin octopamine dopamine neither nr_pre_filtered 0 720575940661342337 0.060918 0.376563 0.282311 0.0267 0.051567 0.120357 0.081584 16 1 720575940661340033 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 ---- segment_nucleus.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 nucleus_nr BIGINT total number of records: 125453 example data: segment_id nucleus_nr 0 720575940661338497 1 1 720575940661337217 1 ---- segment_size.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id UBIGINT 1 nr_svs INTEGER 2 size BIGINT total number of records: 169297329 example data: segment_id nr_svs size 0 0 4300 3184807 1 720575940379279617 1 1006 ---- skeleton/l2skeletons/skeleton_nodes.parquet column_name column_type 0 segment_id BIGINT 1 x UINTEGER 2 y UINTEGER 3 z UINTEGER 4 node_id BIGINT 5 parent INTEGER total number of records: 23789844 example data: segment_id x y z node_id parent 0 720575940623417895 664672 254560 134720 0 4 1 720575940623417895 669136 248304 129320 1 2 ---- skeleton/l2skeletons/skeletons.parquet column_name column_type 0 area BIGINT 1 volume BIGINT 2 path_length DOUBLE 3 max_strahler BIGINT 4 n_branch_points BIGINT 5 n_end_points BIGINT 6 n_skeleton_nodes BIGINT 7 diameter DOUBLE 8 segment_id BIGINT 9 node_count BIGINT 10 offset BIGINT 11 root_count BIGINT total number of records: 127978 example data: area volume path_length max_strahler n_branch_points n_end_points n_skeleton_nodes diameter segment_id node_count offset root_count 0 283738880 34669281280 7641.680664 1 0 1 4 3330.076275 720575940590515268 4 4130731 1 1 143858560 21108060160 4821.112793 1 0 1 4 2868.064155 720575940591418150 4 11685759 1 ---- synapse_link.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 pre_x BIGINT 2 pre_y BIGINT 3 pre_z BIGINT 4 post_x BIGINT 5 post_y BIGINT 6 post_z BIGINT 7 scores DOUBLE 8 cleft_scores UTINYINT 9 cleft_id BIGINT 10 pre_segment_id UBIGINT 11 post_segment_id UBIGINT total number of records: 244358226 example data: id pre_x pre_y pre_z post_x post_y post_z scores cleft_scores cleft_id pre_segment_id post_segment_id 0 1 91549 61190 1848 91573 61185 1849 7.635252 0 0 720575940630479697 720575940605404546 1 2 91215 61410 1849 91176 61397 1849 15.259161 0 0 720575940630479697 720575940616174657 ---- synapse_region.parquet column_name column_type 0 id BIGINT 1 neuropil VARCHAR total number of records: 244358226 example data: id neuropil 0 1 PLP_L 1 2 PLP_L